SketchCop Solutions invites all civilian and military law enforcement agencies, intelligence groups, private investigators, corporate security firms, academic forensic science programs and other select organizations to try SketchCop FACETTE, our industry-leading facial composite software. SketchCop FACETTE creates ‘killer images’ that close cases and bring criminals to justice.
Facial composites have proven themselves to be an effective law enforcement tool for over 100 years! In many high-profile cases they are signature images that become forever associated with a case. With SketchCop FACETTE you can create your own signature images. SketchCop FACETTE makes it easy to CLICK, CAPTURE and CONVICT your suspect when you team up your investigators and eyewitnesses with our software.
That’s because SketchCop FACETTE Face Design System Software is arguably the first facial composite software capable of yielding the same quality product offered by that of a police sketch artist. It’s designed to help produce a consistent end-product to assist in the reduction of investigative cycle times.
SketchCop FACETTE is portable and easy to use. In the hands of trained personnel it acts as a force multiplier that can turn your entire law enforcement agency into a team of police sketch artists for LESS money than it takes to train ONE traditional police sketch artist. By placing SketchCop FACETTE into the hands of more people, you can create an unlimited number of digital composite images. And with today’s emphasis on timely intelligence gathering, SketchCop FACETTE is a real time, cost-effective, 24/7 solution for any law enforcement agency.
SketchCop FACETTE has many features and benefits, including our database which is populated with sketched facial components. This is especially helpful for non-artists who want to create high-quality composite images for their department.
SketchCop Solutions offers FREE 2 month trial versions of SketchCop FACETTE. We also offer several training options and we DO NOT charge yearly maintenance fees. Visit our Contact Page to request your demo/trial. You have nothing to lose, and who knows? You just might catch a couple of crooks along the way!
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